At Conforto Hospice, Inc., we provide a range of supportive services to address the unique needs of each patient and family. Our approach integrates medical, emotional, and social care, respecting each individual’s preferences and values. From clinical support to personal assistance, our team is dedicated to making every day comfortable and meaningful. We work closely with patients and families to ensure a supportive environment throughout their journey.
Medical and Clinical Care Services
Therapy and Counseling Services
Emotional, Spiritual, and Supportive Care Services
Personal and Home Care Assistance
> Admission Criteria
Hospice care is available for all patients diagnosed with a terminal illness, provided they receive certification from their attending physician.
> Admission Process
The process of enrolling a patient in hospice care is straightforward and can be initiated by the attending physician, discharge planner, or social worker. Simply contact the hospice, and a nurse will meet with the patient and family, either at home or in the hospital, to discuss the program. If the patient or family chooses to proceed, the nurse will coordinate the start of services.
> Eligibility
Anyone, regardless of age, diagnosed with a terminal illness qualifies for hospice care. If hospice care hasn’t been suggested by the physician, patients and their families are encouraged to discuss this option with them.
Reach Out to Us Now!
Contact us today for dedicated, respectful care centered around your unique needs. Our team is here to provide compassionate, patient-focused support for you and your family.